Come Join Us!

We meet on

Sunday mornings at 10am!

Get to know us

Who Are We?

Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church (formerly Ethos Presbyterian Church) is a young church with an ancient message. We believe that we are much more sinful and broken than we ever imagined, but in Jesus Christ we are much more loved and accepted than we ever dared to hope. We believe this message changes us and the world around us. We are committed to preaching and practicing that message, and aligning ourselves with other Christian churches who believe it as well. We are part of the Presbyterian Church in America (P.C.A.), the Acts 29 Church Planting Network, and the Gospel Coalition.

Our Values

Gospel Centered

Gospel Centered

Empassioned Worship

Empassioned Worship

Restorative Community

Restorative Community

Why Grace & Peace?

Grace & Peace are major themes throughout the whole Bible. God’s grace is his unmerited kindness to us through Christ Jesus. It brings peace with God, peace with others, peace within ourselves, and ultimately it will bring peace to all of creation. It reflects our desire to be a gospel-centered community that welcomes people from all backgrounds and introduces them to the transforming grace of God.

Get to know us

Our Mission Statement

We exist because of God’s transforming grace, and we exist to see God’s grace transform everything in Midtown Tulsa and beyond. It is God’s unmerited kindness to us in Jesus Christ that changes our relationship with God, with others, with ourselves, and in creation. As we experience his grace through gospel, worship, and community, we seek to express his grace to the world around us through the proclamation of the gospel, worship and community. We long to see God’s grace change everything so that the glory of God covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.

Our Leadership

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Shane Hatfield

Senior Pastor

Fee Kennedy

Assistant Pastor

Steve Harden

Executive Director

Jon Maust

Pastoral Resident

Kyle Ross

Worship Director
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Amy Duncan

Kids Director
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Madison Daniels

Children and Youth Coordinator

Amy Lashar

Administrative Assistant
Connect With Us

Join The Mission!

We are meet on Sundays at 10 am at the Junior League of Tulsa!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Our Statement Of Faith


We affirm the central truths of historic Reformed and Biblical Christian faith, seeing ourselves in a long line of generations taking part in the endless conversation between God and people.


We trust that God wants to bring about a new humanity by redeeming every part of us. We embrace the salvation Jesus offers as the only hope for the healing of our relationships with God, each other, ourselves, and creation.


We have great confidence that God will restore all of creation under the authority of Christ. We believe that every church has to ask the question: “How are we called to live out that future reality today?”


We value the image of God in all people, everywhere. We believe that we were created to live deeply with one another: carrying each other’s burdens, sharing our resources, praying for and confessing our sins to each other, suffering and celebrating together.


We believe that Jesus is God in human form, and that the church is God’s ongoing presence in the world. Led by the Spirit of God, we are passionate about relieving suffering and fighting injustice by joining with God in living out the message of Jesus.


We take great joy in partnering with God to change the world, embracing the truth that all of life is sacred, hope is real and that tomorrow can be better than today. We celebrate the divine in the daily, pursue lives of hope, reflect gratitude, and renew ourselves in worship.

Share your experience


Want to know more?

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church please do not hesitate to contact us! See the contact form below or email us at ‘’ During the week, we office from our homes and coffee shops around town.